Friday, 9 May 2014


To look in to the cause of limestone and sinkholes, we have to look at our weather and why it could be the main cause of the problem.

Much of the worlds weather is determined by the movements of jet streams. Jet streams are the current of air that travels the globe at high altitude. British weather is usually determined by the streams blowing in across the Atlantic from Southern United States.

Does climate change also have a part to play?

Yes, anything that affects the amount of energy absorbed from the sun, or the amount being radiated by the Earth, that is the affect of climate change.
There are growing evidence that the warming is due to vastly increased- qualities of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. Strongest, most important greenhouse gas is the water vapor.

What causes Sinkholes then? 

Sinkholes occur when there's a collapse caused in the surface area. Chemical dissolution of carbonate rocks or suffusion processes in sandstone. You have two types of sinkholes, artificial or natural.
Natural processes of erosion is a gradual removal of soluble bedrock by percolating water, which is the collapse of a cave roof.
Groundwater may dissolve the carbonate cement holding the sandstone particles together, which gradually forms a void.

Artificial processes are mines and salt cavern storage in salt dons. They can occur from over pumping and extracting of groundwater and subsurface fluids. 

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